
Implementing smart pointers for the C programming language

I am a big fan of C, but some part of me always yearn to have just enough higher level constructs.

The impracticality of memory allocation in C is one of my pet peeves. Being very easily distracted, I tend to forget to free my memory, or close my resources, so you might guess that when I learned about smart pointers in C++, I was immediately hooked.

As a freshman in my IT engineering school, our first semester was mostly about programming in C. We were assigned pretty simple, solo projects, until the big project came in — we had to implement a POSIX bourne shell, as a team of 4 people, and we were warned that if we leaked, we would eat a pretty hardcore malus on our final grade. We also had to use gcc 4.9 as our compiler.

Because I knew that my teammates and I were certainly not perfect, I decided to try and make our life easier. I first thought about wrapping malloc to register all allocated data, and then free everything before exiting, but it wasn’t a satisfying solution.

I went and read a little more about gcc’s attributes, and found __attribute__ ((cleanup(f)): according to the documentation, this variable attribute would call the function f on the variable before exiting the current scope.
I was delighted.

Implementing an auto-cleaning variable

I went on and figured that I would simply make some kind of would-be type attribute to make the variable free itself after going out of scope:

#define autofree __attribute__((cleanup(free_stack)))

__attribute__ ((always_inline))
inline void free_stack(void *ptr) {
    free(*(void **) ptr);

The usage was pretty straight forward:

int main(void) {
    autofree int *i = malloc(sizeof (int));
    *i = 1;
    return *i;

But while it worked well for these tests, when I started refactoring the existing code with the new keyword, it simply didn’t prove to be that useful, because most of the dynamically allocated data was complex data, with (also dynamically allocated) members, and since you can’t slap a cleanup attribute on a struct member, I had to do better.

I needed some kind of destructor function mechanism.

I decided to prepend some metadata to the allocated memory – this ought to be the most non-intrusive way to work my way to the new goal:

|------------------------|---------------------- // -----|
| metadata    | padding? | actual data                   |
|------------------------|---------------------- // -----|
^                        ^ returned address (word aligned)
 `- start of allocated

Thou shalt have my metadata

I needed two functions: one to allocate the memory, and one to free it. Hence came into existence smalloc and sfree:

struct meta {
    void (*dtor)(void *);
    void *ptr;

static struct meta *get_meta(void *ptr) {
    return ptr - sizeof (struct meta);

void *smalloc(size_t size, void (*dtor)(void *)) {
    struct meta *meta = malloc(sizeof (struct meta) + size);
    *meta = (struct meta) {
        .dtor = dtor,
        .ptr  = meta + 1
    return meta->ptr;

void sfree(void *ptr) {
    if (ptr == NULL)
    struct meta *meta = get_meta(ptr);
    assert(ptr == meta->ptr); // ptr shall be a pointer returned by smalloc

Both functions are pretty straight-forward: smalloc allocates memory to host both the requested data size and the metadata we need. It then initializes said metadata and stores the destructor, and returns the pointer to the start of the uninitialized user data.

sfree behaves exactly like free, in that it does nothing if NULL is passed, and otherwise deallocates the memory. The only difference is that it calls the destructor stored during the call to smalloc before the actual deallocation, so that the cleanup step can be performed.

Given these two functions, I could rewrite my autofree macro:

#define smart __attribute__((cleanup(sfree_stack)))

__attribute__ ((always_inline))
inline void sfree_stack(void *ptr) {
    sfree(*(void **) ptr);

I figured that this was kind of looking more and more like a smart pointer, so I went ahead and renamed autofree to smart.

One of the immediate consequences of sfree running a destructor was that sfree was the universal deallocator, akin to the delete keyword in C++.

This means that for any type managed by smalloc I could just call sfree on it without worrying about the real destructor function, and I would know that it would have been destroyed – this was a huge improvement.

One drawback here is that even for simple types, we had to specify a valid destructor, and this is not always desirable for simple types, so I allowed NULL to be a valid parameter to mean that there is no destructor.

I also took the time to add a way to put user-defined data into the metadata block, since it could have some nice applications, like length-aware arrays, or extending existing library structures.

On the path to unique_ptr and shared_ptr

With all of the above done, we pretty much have the needed foundations in place for unique_ptr and shared_ptr. In fact, we currently have unique_ptr.

The only thing left is shared_ptr then – easier said than done. Shared pointers rely on thread-safe reference counting. From there, two choices: locks, or atomics.

Using locks is easy, but it makes smart pointer impossible to use in signal handlers; not much of a problem, but still annoying.

A lock-free implementation would be ideal, but there is a big issue with that: lock-free implementations rely on a compare-and-swap mechanism on the wrapped pointer – here, the pointer is not wrapped. This sucks, but if we make the assumption that no destruction shall happen during an async context, it’s kind of fine (Oh boy, this will definitely make people jump out of their seat). On a side note, I have yet to see a proper solution to that, and I would like to avoid having double pointed types to solve the issue – if anyone has an idea, feel free to send me a message or send a pull request on the github repository.

For now, I included an atomic integer in the metadata, and a sref function: each time it is called on a shared pointer, the internal reference counter increments by 1, and each time sfree is called on said pointer, it is decremented by 1.

We still need a way to make a difference between unique and shared pointers, smalloc-wise. To do that, I added another parameter to specify the kind.

Oh, well. That’s a lot of parameters, now. We have the size, the destructor, the user data, the size of said data, and now the kind of resulting pointer. We started with a simple concept, but if I have to specify five parameters for each allocation, I’d rather go back to malloc and free.

Macros to the rescue

One of the first improvements we could do, is to make smalloc variadic — after all, the destructor and the user metadata are completely (and should be) optional. The issue with this is that we need to pass some kind of indicator of the number of variadic parameters. Some use NULL as a sentinel, but it’s not that practical, and some use a parameter to specify that number, but it’s not that better.

The solution here is to go with the additional parameter, and wrap everything with a macro. The macro would count the number of variadic parameters and dispatch them to the real smalloc function.

Add two other macros for unique_ptr and smart_ptr to call smalloc with the proper kind parameter, and we have a practical smart pointer library:

If I’d like to have an unique pointer with a destructor, I’d use unique_ptr(sizeof (T), dtor);.
For a shared pointer with no destructor but user data, shared_ptr(sizeof (T), &data, sizeof (data));… and this is, at last, absolutely satisfying.

Edit 15/01/2015: On the advice of /u/matthieum on reddit, I changed the size parameter of my unique_ptr and shared_ptr macros to use the actual type – this makes the usage even easier. On top of that, I implemented smart arrays, and managed to take in array type parameters like int[9] and infer the size of the element type and the length of the array.

Wrapping everything up…

There we have it, smart pointers for everyone. I had fun pushing the language a bit further to make it do things it normally would not, although the project itself needs to mature a bit more before being ready for some kind of production.

I have wrapped everything in a github repository, for everyone to toy with. Installation instruction & usage samples are included in the readme. Have fun reading through, curious developer!